How to Keep an Open Sealant / Adhesive Cartridge for Further Use
- Before opening, the material is in the cartridge
- Once opened, fresh material enters the nozzle as you apply the sealant
- If kept in storage, the material at the tip of the nozzle started to cure from its contact with air (this happens even with a nozzle cap). In the diagram above, the time of 1 week is hypothetical and for illustration only.
- As the product is kept in storage, it continues curing downwards into the nozzle. At this point (above), you can no longer use the cartridge with the attached nozzle as it has too much cured material. However, you can still use the contents of the cartridge if you replace a new nozzle.
- a. If the nozzle is not replaced, the sealant will continue curing downwards into the cartridge body itself. At this point in time, you can no longer use the cartridge. However, if you had replaced the nozzle as in 5.b., the cycle can now start again.
Do note that even with such means of extending the life of an open cartridge, it may still suffer degradation in quality, and after time may even cure from the bottom up from the plunger. It cannot be used to extend the shelf life of the product.